Thursday, 27 May 2010

Georgian Architecture in the United States

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The Georgian architectural style became popular during the late eighteenth through the mid nineteenth century and it replaced the Baroque architecture that had been popular up to that point. It is a general term for many common themes that were occurring around the world at that time and was named after the English monarchs George I-IV.

Features & Characteristics
One of the most prominent features of Georgian architecture is its focus on proportion and balance. Math was used to determine correct size and placement of windows and other adornments on the building. Symmetry was very important when designing a Georgian style building and a Georgian addition to an earlier architectural style was considered extremely unattractive and flawed. Much of the inspiration for Georgian buildings was derived from Roman and Greek architecture and buildings were traditionally constructed of stone or brick over other materials.

In the United States the principles of Georgian style architecture were combined with neo-Palladian style architecture which created a "Federal Style". It was used most frequently in middle and upper class homes. Several examples of the influence of Georgian architecture can still be seen today in the United States.

Progression of Architectural Styles
Georgian architecture was replaced slowly with a series of revival movements. Georgian architecture was itself revived and this new style was referred to as "Colonial revival". Today Georgian style architecture is most frequently used for residential construction only and most commercial properties have abandoned this style completely.

Where to Find Georgian Style Home Hardware
LookInTheAttic & Company offers a wide variety of Georgian and Colonial style hardware and they offer free design assistance and help. Look for balanced and symmetrical patterns and solid brass construction to ensure high quality and durability. The Georgian architectural style is a wonderful theme for any home because it offers a wide variety of patterns that can be introduced inside the home and out.