Saturday, 12 June 2010

Armenian Genocide Film Photographs: Turkish SOLDIER beheads Armenian: HOLOCAUST #1

Decapitations occurred as a rule to save bullets! FIRST HOLOCAUST of 20th CENTURY: 2007 Film soon to be released in USA 2010 or 2011, across the nation or on Spanish and English CABLE TELEVISION. It show one of the popular methods of Genocide employed in the genrocide era of 1071AD to today. (Turkey continues to kill the Armenian Church, architecture, erases Armenia from law, music, history and educational textbooks). The alphabet of "Turkey" was codified by Armenian linguists led by Hagop Mardaean. Armenian Balyan family, Sinan, and others built all the major architecture of Turkey, except for the confiscated Byzantine (Greek/Graeco-Armenian) churches. Turks would pounce on a village with feigned (faked) friendship (a policy of OSMAN GHAZI, spawn of the Saljuq Turks with their tens of thousands of Armenian slave girl concubines and abducted Christian boy (converted by sword to Islam) armies--JANISSARY army)), ALWAYS killed the men, abducted the females for sex slavery or sale, turned CHURCHES into GAY BATHhOUSES.. Thus, more Muslim Turks, less Christians! This parasitism went on for 900 years! The Avakians are a rich Christian Armenian family. Aram, a land-owner living in a small town in historic Armenia (now occupied by Muslim Turkey), and Assadour, a successful doctor from Venice, are brothers who have not seen each other for a long time and decide to meet in historic Christian Armenia. While Assadour prepares himself for his trip to his native land, the Armenian part ...