Friday, 8 October 2010

Bokomolech - Sin River

Bokomolech is a band from Athens, Greece. Its members met some time in 1991 in the National Technical University, studying Architecture. Their name, proposed by Lila and supported by popular vote, came from a Ukrainian physician (Alexander Alexandrovic Bogomoletz) who came up with a drug of the same name some time in the 1950's, supposedly postponing the ageing of cells in the human body. Just as one might expect from the combination of such a dull line-up with such a bizarre name, their songwriting is a rather perverse mix of mostly regular elements. This is mainly due to the composing process (songs are always the result of collective experimentation during rehearsals, based on musical motifs usually introduced by Kostas) and their wide-ranging influences, which made most Greek music journalists characterize their debut LP 'Xero' (1995, Lazy Dog Records, an important indie label from Salonica) as the best English-speaking Greek Rock Record Of All Time. From 1995 to 2002 they released 4 albums, including 'Jet Lag' which was recorded in Chicago by Steve Albini. Bokomolech are considered to be one of the most successful English-speaking Greek bands.