Monday, 14 February 2011
A worldprotest against those who try to steal our Makedonian history.IT`S ENOUGH,please GET YOUR OWN HISTORY SKOPJE! Makedonia is and has always been Greek! You can´t change a 4000 year old hellenic history. 1. Macedonians spoke doric a dialect of the GREEK language. 2. Macedonians had GREEK names. 3. Alexander's name is GREEK. 4. Philip's name is also GREEK. 5. The regions of ancient Macedonia had GREEK names. 6. Macedonian architecture was same to the GREEK architecture. 7. Macedonians took part in the Olympic Games. 8. Macedonians celebrated the same festivals as the GREEKS. 9. Macedonians worshiped the same Gods as the rest of the GREEKS 10. The bible refers 2 GREEK Macedonia 11 macedonians fought for the glory of GREECE 12 macedonians spread GREEK culture 13 macedonians had the same currency like GREEKS 14 macedonians stated their GREEKNESS 15 macedonians liberated the rest of the GREEKS from Persians 16 macedonians established GREEK cities 17 macedonians had the same jewlery and symbols as the other GREEKS