Monday, 21 March 2011

A Journey To Ancient Arabia P2

hadramout kingdom: location: Yemen Hadhramout in Heritage Books is Aad, ad Ahqaf in the Holy Koran, the place which god bestowed with prophets of whom are Hood and Saleh peace upon them. In ancient history, Wadi Hadramout, was known as wadi Al-Ahgaf as the north eastern part of it is covered with sand dunes known as Ahgaf (plural of Hagf ;which means dune) .Al-Hgaf was mentioned in the holy Quran and Prophet Hood (peace be upon him) was the messenger of God to the people of Ahgaf .Most historians agree that the grave (Tomb) of the prophet Hood is situated 140 km east of the town of Seiyun . The name Hadramout is an ancient name referring to the region and the tribe . It had received mention in the Holy Bible . According to Genealogists it was named Hadhramout after it was a home for Amir"prince" Bin Qahtan, who was told that once he attended a war he multiplied slaughtering and thus used to say that if he attends then Death attends with him. Many ancient cities had flourished in Hdramout , and the goddess temples The Moon spread out and witnessed development in arts, architecture, and development in irrigation systems, dams, political systems, legislation, laws and reached a high level of progress in such aspects. Hadramout is rich with deep rooted historic antiquities, architecture in particular, represented in embracing the oldest highest buildings which are still standing in the capital of the ancient Hadramout kingdom "Shibam" , the remains indicate the monumental ...