Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Architects Should Learn About BIPV_ SolarPV.TV Interview With Nikos Fintikakis, Director ARES
During the final forum of the PV SUNRISE project, SolarPV.TV interviewed Mr. Nikos Fintikakis Director of ARES International work programme on Architecture and Renewable Energy Sources of the International Union of Architects, Senior partner of SINTHESIS & RESEARCH, a well-known architect. Who is Mr. Fintikakis? Graduated as architect at the National Technical University of Athens in 1967. Post- graduated at the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh in 1975. Director of the UIA-"ARES" International work programme on Architecture and Renewable Energy Sources, senior partner of SYNTHESIS & RESEARCH LTD. He has been awarded several prizes of Greek and International Architectural competitions as well as research projects of the EU. He has participated in many Architectural Exhibitions in Greece and internationally. His main concern is related to the environment protection, renewable energy sources, bioclimatic architecture, cultural heritage. What is ARES? Today, every conversation about architecture and urban planning contains, to a smaller or larger extent, the topic of natural environment in relation with energy saving issues. In the developed countries, environmental design is used as means to retain the existing quality of living while minimizing the negative effects of human activity on the environment (innovative technology/ecological materials); whereas in the developing countries it is used as means to deal with more fundamental issues such as housing ...