Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Washington DC and the Pentagon The Necropolis of The Dead
Many people visit Washington DC but most people are unaware that the nation's capital is a sovereign state and is not a part of the United States. It is a District of Columbia and is entirely Masonic in architecture. Washington DC (as well as the rest of civilization) is just an extension of ancient Indian, Babylon...ian, Egyptian, Roman, and Greek Royal Dynasties.Take a typical Egyptian pyramid, the Los Angeles City Hall building, and other government buildings around the country are fashioned after typical Egyptian pyramids. The Lincoln Memorial, is fashioned after an Greek Parthenon temple found in a standard necropolis (city for the dead), and the Lincoln statue itself, it is actually fashioned after "The Emperor" tarot card, which represents authority, will, and power in Divination arts, the Jefferson Memorial building; it is just a replica of a Roman Pantheon (temple for the Gods) along with the Washington Monument which is an exact replica of an Egyptian obelisk, the male phallus symbol representing strong masculine energy. The George Washington statue itself it is fashioned after the "Baphomet" or the "Goat" which in Satanism represents the grand architect of the material universe and is the supreme God-head, the Capitol Building. The dome shape at the top is modeled after the form of the female breast, which comes from ancient worship of the feminine aspects of nature (ie. "mother" nature), the entrance was also fashioned after the entrance of a Roman Pantheon ...