Friday, 12 November 2010

Decorative Greek Or Roman Columns Can Transform Your Place Into a Heritage!

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There is a certain charm in decorative Greek or Roman columns. One of the most challenging tasks of an architect is to instill a unique design in a building. The ancients, for this matter, had all the artistic acumen to create masterpieces on the walls of buildings. They have been, since ages, one of the most typical architectural essences seen in public as well as private buildings.

The charm and craze for decorative columns has descended from generations. Even today, people wish to have them reflecting a distinct style. Such is the popularity of artistic columns that you can now buy decorative columns online.

What Are Decorative Greek Or Roman Columns?

The columns used in ancient Greek buildings can be classified into Doric, Corinthian, and Ionic. This classification is based on the design of the top of the column. The base and shaft of them are also noteworthy features in Greek architecture. Another unique thing about these is their "fluted" style. This means channels are carved into the column's shaft in line with each other. Traditionally, a column has 24 channels for rendering the true aesthetic sense. Today, you can buy decorative fluted columns online!

Among the decorative Greek or Roman columns, Doric columns were the simplest and the oldest architectural designs in Greece. Perhaps that's the reason why there is a surging demand for this ancient architectural specialty, and you can easily buy Tuscan or Doric columns online. The Ionic columns are distinguished by their scrolls or spirals or helixes. They look like a roll of paper with both ends curled and wrapped downwards. Today, you can easily get Fiberglass Tuscan or Ionic Columns over the internet. The Corinthian columns are the most delicate and complex. They are characterized with carved acanthus leaves and flowers in their design.

Talking of Roman columns, you can observe many physical, social, and cultural traits of the Greek era in it. Many aspects of Roman architecture were developed in Greece. Roman columns are one of them. Apart from the three Greek styles of them mentioned above, the Romans have two of their own - Tuscan and Composite. Whether you buy decorative Greek or Roman columns, you're bound to enjoy the unmatched charm and artistry of both civilizations.

The Tuscan column is the simplest in architecture. Unlike Doric, it is devoid of base, "fluting", and the typical saucer shaped top of the Doric. You can buy Tuscan Columns online with ease.

The Roman version of Doric columns feature bases and tops similar to Tuscan. "Fluting" is done with fewer channels. Buy Fluted Fiberglass Columns or Decorative Fluted Columns online and see the difference. They in Roman style harbor scrolled carvings that are more elaborate than the Greek style. The Corinthian column in Roman style has elaborate carvings of flowers and leavings, many times, going down the length of the column.

The reputable stores online have a treasure house of fiberglass columns. You can buy Roman or Greek Columns online with little fuss. Decorative Greek or Roman columns can alter the very look of your home or workplace. They can send you back to the rich Greek and Roman times.

The site deals with decorative Greek or Roman columns. You can buy Roman or Greek Columns online after going through the vast collection of awesome designs and artistry here.