Friday, 19 November 2010


A GRAPH PROJECT COORDINATE DEJECTOR SYMPASS CONFLECT MOTICON "err, etc. etc" "by way of explanation, the graph has flaws, the graph is actually by Euripedes, and has been sabotaged by poor ink, "though this is a recreation on computer", part of of the cubic lexicon, not the part on architecture, of course, but a sub-index on the contents of space"libra roma", "200 ad" Euripedes had survived the ides of march in 200 bc, however lost his post in the library, called the collage of small papers, due to complaining the quaifications of an candidate for architecture, this is a re-creation, obviously, as euripedes was the inventor of an ink made from tree bark mixed with dry powdered rice, Euripedes had used a technique in writing called question and answer, which had been learned from Aristotle, Euripedes had also also written several small books called histories, on various subjects. Also an ink made from olives w/wo bulks, the circulars, were by the Greek "Timotheus", who was probable force to make them" as they resemble, a cheese cutter' pattern', ie:, note that Rome had been attacked in c. 100 AD. and cheese had been invented in 57 AD. "'the second sack of Rome", and the pillage of the sacrophenes', and the stoning of the waters had occured. the hourglass, diagram was most likely by 'Markus', the Libra maxum' chief librarian in 700 AD. Markus was known as Half-time, the smaller divisions of whole days had been created in the 200 BC called a dextrous periodiotic.